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【曹心德教授课题组】泛洪对污染土壤中痕量元素生物地球化学循环的潜在影响 2018-01-23

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20181月,曹心德课题组的研究成果受泛洪影响的矿区周边农田土壤中胶体及含金属胶体的产生与归驱发表于环境领域重要期刊Journal of Hazardous Materials IF=6.065)。论文题目Occurrence and fate of colloids and colloid-associated metals in a mining-impacted agricultural soil upon prolonged flooding”


该项工作选取了典型矿区周边多金属(CuCdZnPb)污染农田土壤为研究对象,采用微宇宙法模拟泛洪条件,通过湿化学分析及先进的光谱学手段,监测了淹水30天土壤内孔隙水中金属溶解动力学,胶体形貌和组成变化,以及胶体态金属的形态转化。发现土壤孔隙水中胶体态及溶解态金属浓度在浸水初期呈现增加态势,并在一定时间内达到峰值,但随着浸水条件下硫酸盐的持续还原,两者浓度有随之降低。对SEM、同步辐射EXAFS及粒径分级等结果进行综合分析得出:孔隙水中Cu的动力学主要由与微生物相关的胶体主导,很大程度上受制于Cu(0)生物矿化以及后续的硫化作用,而微生物相关胶体及自由分散态胶体都对控制CdPb的行为动力学至关重要。与之相对的,Zn的迁移性主要由其溶解态决定,这可能是由于ZnS的热力学稳定性较低。本研究既定性又定量地分析了淹水条件下含CuxS CdS等异质性胶体的形成机制及稳定性,后续在评估污染土壤中重金属生物有效性时需要将胶体的易化迁移纳入考虑。本研究同时也表明土壤氧化还原体系和气候变化的相互作用是揭示土壤生物地球化学过程以及相关生态风险评价的重要切入点。

 Figure. Temporal dynamics of major metal contaminants in the porewater of a multimetal contaminated soil during 30 days of flooding. The concentrations of colloidal (> 0.025 µm) and dissolved (< 0.025 µm) Cu (a), Cd (b), Pb (c), and Zn (d) in the porewater are obtained from the anoxic treatments (without sterilization and aeration). Error bars indicate the standard deviation of experimental triplicates.


Figure. TEM observation of metal-containing colloids in porewater. (A) microbe-associated colloids at day 5; (B) microbe-associated colloids at day 10; (C) microbe-associated and dispersed colloids at day 15; and (D) dispersed colloids at day 25.

 Figure. Temporal evolution of Cu and Cd speciation during soil flooding. Normalized Cu/Cd EXAFS spectra (solid lines) of colloids (b) are compared with spectra of selected references (a). Linear combination fitting results of colloid spectra show the evolution of Cu speciation (c).


Xia B#, Qiu H#*, Knorr K-H, Blodau C, Qiu R*. 2018. Occurrence and fate of colloids and colloid-associated metals in a mining-impacted agricultural soil upon prolonged flooding. Journal of Hazardous Materials 348: 56-66. (SCI, IF=6.065)


版权所有@土壤与地下水污染修复技术团队  沪交ICP备20180001