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Chemosphere|生物炭作为电子穿梭体促进土壤中Cr(VI)的微生物还原:氧化还原组分的重要作用 2023-04-09

2023年03月,曹心德教授课题组的研究成果“Enhanced microbial reduction of Cr(VI) in soil with biochar acting as an electron shuttle: Crucial role of redox-active moieties”发表于环境领域期刊“Chemosphere”。硕士生任佳担任第一作者,续晓云研究员担任通讯作者。


由于可能加速胞外电子传递,生物炭已经被证明会参与到环境中Cr(VI)的微生物还原过程。然而,生物炭的氧化还原组分和其导电性石墨状结构在加速胞外电子传递过程中发挥的作用尚不清楚。本研究在350°C和700 °C的热解温度下分别制备了含有丰富含氧官能团(BC350)和导电性共轭炭结构更发达(BC700)的生物炭,并考察了它们在土壤Cr(VI)的微生物还原中发挥的作用。结果表明,加入BC350使得7天后的Cr(VI)微生物还原量增加了241%,远高于BC700(39%),表明含氧官能团可能在加速胞外电子传递过程中发挥更加重要的作用。生物炭,特别是BC350可以作为微生物厌氧呼吸的电子供体,但其作为胞外电子传递的电子穿梭体的贡献(73.2%)对增强Cr(VI)的还原具有主导作用。原始和改性生物炭的电子交换容量(EECs)与Cr(VI)的最大还原速率呈正相关,证明了氧化还原活性组分在电子穿梭中的关键作用。此外,EPR分析表明,生物炭中半醌自由基对加速胞外电子传递的贡献不可忽视。总之,本研究证明了生物炭的氧化还原活性组分在介导土壤中Cr(VI)微生物还原胞外电子传递过程中发挥的关键作用。

Fig. 1. Changes of Cr(VI) concentration in soil extract during the 7d microbial Cr(VI) reduction mediated by BC350 (a) and BC700 (b), respectively; The final Cr(VI) removal rate after 7d incubation in soil extract and mineral medium, respectively, in the presence of BC350 (c) or BC700 (d). C, G represents cells and glucose, respectively, and B represents BC350 in (c), and BC700 in (d).


Fig. 3. Effects of modified biochars on mediated microbial Cr(VI) reduction in soil extract. (a, b) changes of Cr(VI) concentration during 7d microbial reduction mediated by modified BC350 and BC700, respectivelymax values.


Fig 4. EPR analysis of biochars before (a, c) and after (b, d) the mediated microbial Cr(VI) reduction.

Ren, J., Huang, H., Zhang, Z., Xu, X., Zhao, L., Qiu, H., Cao, X., 2023. Enhanced microbial reduction of Cr(VI) in soil with biochar acting as an electron shuttle: Crucial role of redox-active moieties. Chemosphere, 138601.



版权所有@土壤与地下水污染修复技术团队  沪交ICP备20180001