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Biochar|生物炭强化脱氯与砷解毒以同时去除复合污染地下水中的三氯乙烯和砷 2023-02-08

2022年12月,曹心德教授课题组的研究成果“Simultaneous dissipation of trichloroethene

and arsenic from co‑contaminated groundwater by coupling biodechlorination and biodetoxification with assistance of biochar”发表于环境领域期刊“Biochar”。硕士陈昊担任第一作者,赵玲研究员担任通讯作者。


地下水中三氯乙烯和砷复合污染是工业场所中普遍存在的问题,目前尚未开发出同时生物去除三氯乙烯和砷的方法。本研究将生物炭引入厌氧脱氯系统实现三氯乙烯和砷的高效去除,生物炭可以消除微生物的滞后期,即使对于相对较高的初始浓度(三氯乙烯30 mg/L,As(V) 4 mg/L)也能在12天内实现三氯乙烯的完全去除。而在没有生物炭的情况下,直至第18天也仅能去除75%的三氯乙烯。生物炭能吸附三氯乙烯及其中间产物使其在生物炭表面迅速降解,同时保持微生物的高代谢活性。生物炭促进脱氯微生物(ClostridiumDehalococcides)在其表面的优先定殖并抑制水中氢竞争微生物(Desulfovibrio)的生长。生物炭自身无法吸附砷,但可以通过分离具有砷负载微生物的生物炭去除地下水中50-70%的砷。生物炭添加组中具有含更多砷转化基因(K0053-arsCK07755-AS3MT)的微生物,同时氨基酸代谢上调进而提高了微生物将As(V)转化为As(III)及挥发性有机砷的自我解毒能力。本研究提出通过生物炭调节微生物代谢活性以实现共存污染物的同时去除,这对于验证生物炭应用于实际生物强化修复可行性是至关重要的。

Fig. 1 Removal dynamics of TCE (a) and total As (b) from the contaminated groundwater by microbes with the assistance of biochar. LC: Low concentration of contaminants, 10 mg L−1 TCE with 1 mg L−1 As(V); HC: High concentration of contaminants, 30 mg L−1 TCE with 4 mg L−1 As(V)

Fig. 2 Concentration change of the dechlorination-related products in the co-removal systems. a and b refer to the gradual decrease of TCE distributed in aqueous (TCEaq) and biochar solid phase (TCEs), respectively, in the low concentration (LC) and high concentration (HC) systems; Change curves of the adsorbed vinyl chloride (VC) on the biochar solid phase and the produced Cl are shown in c and d, respectively

Fig. 6 Volcano plots showing changes in extracellular metabolite abundance between different comparisons. The horizontal and vertical dotted lines indicate the cutoffs for statistical significance. The colored markers indicate statistically significant metabolites that were present in higher (orange) or lower (blue) abundances. LC: Low concentration; HC: High concentration; ES: Supernatant collected at early stage; LS: Supernatant collected at late stage

Chen, H., Li, D., Mašek, O., Zhai Y., Rong G., Xu, X., Cao, X., Zhao, L., 2022. Simultaneous dissipation of trichloroethene and arsenic from co-contaminated groundwater by coupling biodechlorination and biodetoxification with assistance of biochar. Biochar 4, 69 (2022).


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