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Yinghao Zhao-Master of 2015 2017-12-06

Yinghao Zhao

Master of 2015                                                         

OfficeMaterial building F519


Educational background

2015/9-now      Shanghai Jiao Tong University    Environmental Science and Engineering    Master in reading

2011/9-2015/6     Shanghai Jiao Tong University   Environmental Science and Engineering    Bachelor of Engineering


Research direction

The formation and enviromental risks of PAHs during the pyrolysis of iron impregnated biomass.


Published papers

Xiaoyun Xu, Yinghao Zhao, Jingke Sima, Ling Zhao, Ondřej Mašek, Xinde Cao. Indispensable role of biochar-inherent mineral constituents in its environmental applications: a review. Bioresour Technol, 2017, 241:887-899.


Academic conference attended

2017/10/19-2017/10/22    The 9th National Conference on Environmental Chemistry    Hangzhou, China


Scientific research projects participated in

National Natural Science Foundation of China(No. 21607002)


Award and honors

2016/9   Excellent League Member of Shanghai Jiao Tong University



Playing ping-pang, badminton, and billiards; Watching anime

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