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Jian Chen-Master of 2017 2017-12-06

Jian Chen

Master of 2017                                                                              

OfficeMaterial building F519


Educational background

2017/9-now      Shanghai Jiao Tong University   Environmental Science and Engineering    Master in reading

2013/9-2017/6     South China University of Technology   Energy and Power Engineering    Bachelor of Engineering


Research direction

Remediation materials of soil contamination

Utilization of solid waste


Published papers

Shiwen Fang; Jian Chen; Yan Lin; Xiaoqian Ma; Minquan Dai; Yanfen Liao. A study on microwave-assisted fast co-pyrolysis of chlorella and tire in the N2 and CO2 atmospheres. Journal of Bioresource Technology.

Copyright @ Group of Soil and Groundwater Remediation