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Yue Zhang-PhD of 2014 2017-12-06

Yue Zhang

PhD of 2014                                                               

OfficeMaterial building F519


Educational background

2014/9-now      Shanghai Jiao Tong University    Environmental Science and Engineering    PhD in reading

2011/9-2014/3     Dong Hua University         Chemical and Biological Engineering    Master


Research direction

The redox property and electrochemistry of biochar


Published papers

[1] Wang, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Lei, P.; Ying, D.; Xu, X.; Zhao, L.; Jia, J.; Cao, X., Converting Ni-loaded biochars into supercapacitors: Implication on the reuse of exhausted carbonaceous sorbents. Scientific Reports 2017, 7, 41523. [2]

[2] Zhang, Y., Zhang, D.Q., Li, X.Y., Jin, W.S. Synthesis and characterization of conjugated microporous polymers containing thiophene. Guang Zhou Chemical. 2014, 42, (6), 94-95.


National invention patent

Jin, W.S., Zhang, D.Q., Li, X.Y., Zhang, Y., Li, S.Z. Preparations and applications of organic microporous materials containing hetroatom. Chinese patent. Application number: CN201310504821.4


Academic conference attended

2017/10/19-2017/10/22    The 9th National Conference on Environmental Chemistry    Hangzhou, China


Scientific research projects participated in

National natural science fund key projects:The electrochemical process and environmental behavior of biochar and soil interface

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