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Jin Fan-PhD of 2016 2017-12-06

Jin Fan

PhD of 2016

OfficeMaterial building F519                                                                       


Educational background

2013/9-now      Shanghai Jiao Tong University    Environmental Science and Engineering    PhD inreading

2013/9-2016/6     Xiamen University   College of Environment and Ecology  Ecology       Master

2009/9-2016/3   FuJian Agriculture and Forestry University   Forestry College       Ecology       Bachelor


Research direction

Remediation and assessment of heavy metal contaminated soil


Published papers

Lin Yushan, Fan Jin, Cai Bangping, Yan Chongling. Progress on Roles and Mechanisms of Phosphate-solubilizing Microorganisms in Remediation of Heavy Metal Contaminated Soils. Journal of Xiamen University. 2016, 5(55):697-706.


Academic conference attended

[1] 2017/10/19-2017/10/22    The 9th National Conference on Environmental Chemistry    Hangzhou, China

[2] 2017/5/5-2017/5/6    The 5# international forum & exhibition on contaminated site remediation  Shanghai, China


Scientific research projects participated in

Implementation plan of environmental protection public welfare industry research special project (201509035): Study on evaluation method of heavy metal contaminated soil after solidification and stabilization.


Award and honors

2017    Advanced individual of Shanghai Jiaotong University students summer social practice activities



Sports, music, reading

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