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Hongyan Nan-PhD of 2017 2017-12-06

Hongyan Nan

PhD of 2017

OfficeMaterial building F519


Educational background

2017/9-now   Shanghai Jiao Tong University    Environmental Science and Engineering    PhD in reading

2014/9-2017/6   Chongqing University          Environmental Science    Master of Engineering

2010/9-2014/6     Zhengzhou University     Water Supply and Sewerage Engineering    Bachelor of Engineering


Research direction

Treatment and disposal of solid waste


Academic conference attended

2017/10/19-2017/10/22    The 9th National Conference on Environmental Chemistry    Hangzhou, China


Award and honors

[1] 2010-2014   academic year won the Sceond-class scholarship of Zhengzhou University for three consecutive year           

[2] 2014-2017   academic year won the A-class scholarship of Chongqing University for two consecutive years



Running, yoga, cooking, guzheng

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