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Xiang Chen-Master of 2016 2017-12-06

Xiang Chen

Master of 2016                                                             

OfficeMaterial building F519


Educational background

2016/9-now      Shanghai Jiao Tong University   Environmental Science and Engineering    Master in reading

2012/9-2016/6     Shanghai Jiao Tong University    Environmental Science and Engineering    Bachelor of Engineering


Research direction

Remediation materials of soil contamination


Published papers

[1] Ling Zhao, Wei Zheng, Ondřej Mašek, Xiang Chen, Bowen Gu, Brajendra K Sharma, Xinde Cao. Roles of Phosphoric Acid in Biochar Formation: Synchronously Improving Carbon Retention and Sorption Capacity. Journal of Environmental Quality, 2017, 46(2):393-401.

[2] Ling Zhao, Xinde Cao, Wei Zheng, John W. Scott, Brajendra K. Sharma, Xiang Chen. Copyrolysis of Biomass with Phosphate Fertilizers To Improve Biochar Carbon Retention, Slow Nutrient Release, and Stabilize Heavy Metals in Soil. Acs Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2016, 21(7):409-14.


Academic conference attended

2017/10/19-2017/10/22    The 9th National Conference on Environmental Chemistry    Hangzhou, China



Table tennis, swimming

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