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Bing Gong-PhD of 2017 2017-12-06

Bing Gong

PhD of 2017


OfficeMaterial building F519

Telephone: 021-54743926

Educational background

2017/9-now      Shanghai Jiao Tong University     Environmental Science and Engineering   PhD in reading

2013/9-2016/6    Shanghai Institute of Technology      Materials Science and Engineering   Master of Engineering


Research direction

Bioavailability and toxicity of rare earth elements in water and soil


Published papers

[1] Bing Gong, Chunfa Ouyang*, Ye Yuan, Qun Gao. Synthesis and properties of a millable polyurethane elastomer with low halloysite nanotube content.RSC Advances, 2015,5,77106-77114.

[2] Bing Gong, Chunfa Ouyang*, Qun Gao, Liang ZhaoZhengchuang Zhao. Synthesis and properties of a millable polyurethane nanocomposite based on castor oil and halloysite nanotube.RSC Advances, 2016,6,12084-12092.



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